Friday, October 16, 2009

What happened to a smiley face?

What the heck has happened to pumpkin carving?  Apparently carving triangle eyes and a moon shaped mouth is 'old fashioned.'  I interviewed a kid the other day who showed me a picture of what he wanted to carve this looked like this.

My exact words were, "Holy Crap!  What happened to a simple smiley face?"  This fourteen year old kid looked at me and said, "That is so 90's."  Yea!  Well, excuse me for not keeping up with the coolest pumpkin carvings lol.  Come to find out, this teenager is not alone!  Have you seen some of the elaborate carvings out there??   Check these out - One is the 'witch pumpkin' the other is the 'drunk pumpkin.'

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