Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let it Montana

Ok, I'm not wishing for snow. Really I'm not.  But a friend of mine sent me this picture today - it's my favorite skiing spot in Montana.  It's called Showdown.  It's this small ski resort about an hour or so from Great Falls with the craziest old owner you'll ever meet.  They already have several feet of snow on the trails up there! I haven't been skiing since I left Montana - basically because the biggest 'mountain' in Minnesota is the equivalent of a bunny hill lol.  Although, we've heard about one ski resort in the state (about four hours north) that has some decent skiing so Jason and I might have to check it out this year.  I'm kind of itching to ski...but I can wait a few months...let's hold off on the snow for a bit longer here.

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