Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eyes on the sky

Today, my job was to look up.  I covered two interesting stories at work today - the first was about repairing a wind turbine.  Apparently a gear slipped an eighth of an inch out of place, and it stopped the blades from turning.  To fix it, two guys had to climb to the top of the 200 foot turbine and unscrew the blades to get to the problem.  A crane had to lower the blades to the ground.

You don't realize how big the blades are until they are sitting in front of you.  They took up a huge part of the parking lot! 

The other story I covered was a black hawk helicopter landing.  It landed on the front lawn of an elementary school!  It was a pretty cool sight to see.  It was part a reward for the students who completed a school program to stay away from drugs.  (How that all ties together, I'm still a little unclear on lol.) Several TV stations came out to get the 'landing shot.'

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