Sunday, October 4, 2009

One mile at a time

I'm not going to lie, it was a tough day.  It was the Twin Cities 10 Mile race this morning.  It took me 2 hours and 16 minutes to finish.

Honestly, I didn't train as hard as I did last year but I still feel good about this years race.  It encouraged me to exercise, and that's all that matters really.  The weather was much better this year.  No rain!  It was cool, about 50 degrees and cloudy.

This picture on top is of me about 10 feet from the finish line - that's why I'm smiling.  Trust me, I was not this cheery throughout the race.

The race started just after 7am.  Jason snapped a picture of me at the start line.  I wore an extra layer (the red jacket) to stay warm at the beginning but I tossed it to the side of the road about two miles in.  I know that sounds weird, to just toss your clothes but a lot of people do it.  Some people wear socks on their hands as gloves and then get rid of them too.  I imagine someone has a field day picking up all the clothes along the route - someone gets a whole new wardrobe lol.

The race ends at the capitol, so Jason snapped another picture there too.   Don't let the tough girl pose fool you - I was tired.

I'm quite sore as I'm writing this lol.  Jason played 2+ hours of volleyball Saturday morning so he is hurting too.  We're quite a sight really - both curled up on the couch moaning and groaning every time we move lol.  We sound like we're 80 lol.  Here's to a speedy recovery lol.

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