Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's be honest...

You've all heard me say it.  Typically I say, "Let's be honest" on a daily basis.   Basically it's my way of saying something is complete crap.   I think I've said it more lately as we plan for the wedding.  Have you guys looked at some of the junk you can buy for a wedding?  Seriously look at this stuff.  These are just a few wedding favor ideas that are touted as 'must haves' for your wedding.

Those are golf ball shaped candles.

These are salt and pepper shakers in the shape of banana splits.

And of course - a sewing kit.

Now, Let's be honest - what yahoo thinks any of these are good ideas??  I mean really - salt and pepper shakers?   And what wedding would be complete without a sewing kit? Sorry folks, none of these will be at our wedding lol.

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