Saturday, September 5, 2009

Harvest time!!

The garden is churning out all sorts of good stuff! We pulled most of this stuff out this morning. It's the first time we've grown potatoes and I would say they were a success! This part of MN used to be nothing but potato farms so I guess we have the right growing conditions for them!

Jason dug out two really big potatoes! The one on the right is a mutant potato lol. I think a few potatoes merged together underground. And the other one is just one giant potato. That thing could be an entire meal!!

Digging them out was like a little treasure hunt lol. We didn't know what we were going to find under there!
Now I just have to look up some recipes to start using some of these things up! I know the potatoes will keep for awhile, but I need to use up the tomatoes. I still have tomatoes in my freezer from last year! I think I'll make big batches of soup and freeze them. If anyone has a good soup recipe let me know! I could use it!

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