Monday, September 14, 2009

When two families meet….

It was long overdue. Jason and I have been together for about three years now, and we finally got the two families together! Our parents are very similar – they are hard working, honest, country people who enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Since they have so much in common, we knew the meeting would go well …. But I’ll admit I was still a little nervous. I’m happy to report – we had a great time! The girls did a little wedding dress shopping, while the boys had a few drinks in Applebees. We met up, had lunch and then headed to the casino! We had mixed success at Turning Stone, Jason walked away with $65, some of us broke even, and well…others lost a few bucks lol. But we all had fun!

By the end of the day you could feel the two families meshing and I’m sure it’s just the first of many good times to come…
We love you all…..thanks for a great weekend!

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