Saturday, September 19, 2009

Twins win!

We went to one of the last games inside the Metrodome.  Next year the Twins will be in a new outdoor ballpark.  The Twins beat the Detroit Tigers, putting them two games away from taking the division lead.  (This sounds like I know what I'm talking about, but Jason is helping here lol)
45,000 people packed the dome to watch the game!  It's actually the first time I've seen the Twins win in person.  Every time I go to a game,they seem to lose - but not this time they won 6-2.  I guess I'm not a curse after all.

Ah, here are my boys.  Sehnert has had season tickets to the Twins since 1983, and he took us along for the game today! Thanks Sehnert! It was a good time.
Go Twins!

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