Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Great Kitchen Remodel of '09

Oh what a project! This is how we are spending our three day weekend - remodeling the kitchen. We started in March and have been working on it ever since. We've painted the cupboards, redone the floor, painted the walls, and bought new appliances. We even ripped out a bank of cupboards to open the room up. But this weekend, we're working on new molding.

The good news is we only made one trip to Lowe's this time - typically we make several lol. We've really come to hate those home remodel commercials. You know, some cheery person in an apron says, "You can do it, we can help." Yea, what they mean is - You can do it, it will take a ton of time and money!

We have a few more things to do - new lighting and new countertops but here are the before (top) and after (bottom) pictures so far.... It's coming along....

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