Sunday, September 20, 2009

A bizarre day....

Yup, a lady on stilts.  I told you it was a bizarre day.  Jason and I went to the Maple Grove Art Fair.  Basically a whole bunch of artists lined the mall trying to sell their artwork.  It was a beautiful day, sunny and 80 degrees.  We were walking around, when this  lady on stilts came over and handed us a brochure about the art fair.  I couldn't help but laugh, and then I asked if I could take her picture! 

There was all kinds of art - paintings, pottery, twisted metal, you name it.  Most of it was way over priced.  So rather than buying art - we bought food. 
Can you guess what this sugar coated thing on a stick is?

It's a deep fried snickers bar!
Yup, I can't make that up.  The guy who sold us the lemonade was also selling deep fried snickers.  They were apparently a big hit at the MN State Fair too.  Jason and I had heard about them, and everyone said they were really good, so we thought what the heck, we'll try it.  We were quite suprised - It was pretty good! I told you - a bizarre day.....

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