Friday, September 25, 2009

Athletic or crazy?

In about two weeks, I'll be running 10 miles.  This will be the second year I'm partcipating in the Twin Cities 10 mile race.  The pictures are from last year.  As you can see the race starts before the sun is up!  Honestly thats a good thing because it's cooler in the morning.  Last year the weather was terrible! Three miles into the race it started pouring rain!  This year has to be better! (Now watch it will snow!) I remember feeling water sloshing around in my sneakers.  As you can see, I was soaked by the time I finished. 
I like the challenge of runnig 10 miles, and it does motivate me to excersie which is the good thing.  But running is not a glamorous sport lol.  Your body starts to freak out when you run long distances - or at least mine does!  I'll spare you the gross details - but it does make me wonder am I just plain crazy for doing this?

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