Monday, August 23, 2010

'Mazel Tov'

This past weekend it was Kerry and Mike's turn to walk down the aisle.  The two have been together for about seven years and celebrated their big day at a synagogue in St. Louis Park.  I haven't been to many Jewish weddings, and enjoyed taking in the different rituals that come with it.  The bride and groom get married under a 'chupah', or a canopy, that symbolizes the new home the couple will build together.  Adding to their ceremony was a harpist, and a singer with an amazing deep voice. 

At the end of the ceremony the groom breaks glass, everyone yells 'Mazel Tov' (good luck) and then my favorite tradition  happens at the reception.  The bride and groom are lifted in chairs across the dance floor, bobbing up and down with the music. 
After that it was time for their first dance to, "How Sweet it is to be loved by you."

Congrats to Mike and Kerry!

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