Monday, August 30, 2010

Garden Goodies

It was harvest time this weekend!  We've had an odd growing year in MN.  We got a lot of rain in June, and then a blast of 90 degree days through July, but all in all a decent year. 
Our sweet corn was fabulous.  It's all tapped out now.  Raccoons got a little of it toward the end, but we were really pleased with the size, color, and taste of the corn this year.  Our tomatoes and onions are a little on the small side, our peppers are coming in fast now, and the potatoes are looking pretty good too.

I picked a bunch of stuff from the garden and spent most of Saturday in the kitchen making good use of all the fresh veggies.  I made tomato basil bisque, a recipe that takes forever, but is quite good.  I also took a crack at making homemade tomato sauce.  I think it turned out pretty good.  I let it simmer in the crockpot most of the day.

I even attempted to make my own salad dressing, since we have an herb forest!  Look at this basil, it's a two foot tall bush.  I'm going to have to dry them, I'll never use them all.

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