Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday night fights

This time, we watched Friday night fights in person.  As part of a birthday present, Jason and I went to Hinckley MN to watch boxing.  It was about an hour and half drive up to the casino where the fights were happening.  I'm not sure which entertained us more - the boxers or the people watching lol.  Let's just say boxing attracts some interesting characters.
The best fight was between Lateef Kayode (13-0) and Alfredo Escalera Jr. (18-2-2) - pictured above.  The fight went eight rounds before Kayode knocked out Escalera and the ref called the fight.
Several of the fights were broadcast on Showtime.  Jason and I spent equal time talking about boxers and all the tv equipment that was there.   We felt a little bad for the camera guy who seemed to be in everyone's way as he stood on the side of the ring, but I'm sure he gets that every time. 

It was a pretty good turn out.  If I had to guess, I would say around 500 people were there. 
It really was quite a production.  Camera crews, announcers, makeup people...you name it.  Jason recognized the announcers, I on the other hand was clueless.  I did find it funny that they had to be escorted to the bathroom by a casino police officer that was about 17 years old lol.     
It was a good night!  Definitely something different. 

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