Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Speed dating - for bunnies?

Here's an early Easter story for you.  I did a story the other day about speed dating for rabbits.  If you own a bunny you can bring it to the Animal Humane Society for a date!  A 'trained dating expert' introduces your bunny to one date at a time.  If two bunnies like each other they'll stay close together and rub noses.  If they don't hit it off, they bring in another bunny - much like speed dating.  Before 'dating' all bunnies must be 'fixed' lol, but other than that there are no other restrictions. 

Why do this? Apparently bunnies live longer if they have a companion to live with.  Plus the Humane Soceity wants to adopt out as many bunnies as possible lol.

I can't make this stuff up folks!

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