Monday, March 15, 2010

Record breaking temps!

After one of the snowiest winters Minnesota has seen in some time, the weather is finally turning for the better.  In fact, Sunday we hit 64 degrees!!  It's a new record! 

Jason did some yard work, I made lunch and dinner on the grill, we took Gracie for a walk - without wearing coats - it was great! 

We've had several gloomy days full of rain, which on the bright side, melted about 97% of our snow.  The snow is almost gone from the garden, and I keep peeking at my flower beds to see if any of the spring bulbs are coming up yet.  I know it's a little early for them to be coming out, but hey a girl can dream lol.

This week is supposed to be pretty nice, but it might not last looks like we could have a cold and wet weekend with temperatures in the upper 30's.  I guess I shouldn't get too excited yet huh?

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