Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Move over Martha Stewart

When the holidays roll around I try to make some sort of treat from scratch.  This year I attempted peanut butter chocolate eggs.  Think buckeyes, only flatter.  I really like the recipe because it said: Prep time 15 minutes, Ready in 15 minutes.  Who comes up with these times??  Maybe I'm just sluggish when it comes to baking but there is no way you could have these things whipped up in a half an hour.  An hour and a half maybe. I assume they lie about these times on purpose.  Let's be honest, in the fast food world my generation is used to getting what they want fast, all the more reason to stretch the time references lol.  
I took some to work, this is what's left of them lol...I decorated some but at 11 o'clock last night gave up on the rest.

I also made some crazy things called birds nests.  Have you seen these things?  There are super messy to make, but look and taste pretty good.  It's just chow mein noodles stirred in melted chocolate, and then jelly beans in the middle.

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