Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the nominees are...

It's not often I get good news at work.  This week alone I have done stories on a murder, flooding, and homeowners that have let their home fill with garbage.  But today I got some good news.  A special that I worked on has been nominated for an award!  In September, with the help of great photographers, I put together a 30 minute show on Cold Cases.  We featured four cases, ranging from murders to a missing child, that have no leads.  It sounds just as grim as the week of stories I've had...but this was different.  At the very least, we made sure the victims of these crimes weren't forgotten.  I know it sounds cliche, but we gave a voice to the voiceless, and whether we win or not, that's more than enough for me. 

We'll find out the results in mid April.