Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chicken, veggie, soy, rice, repeat

There are several organizations here that have been working around the clock to package food and send it to earthquake torn countries.   I've done what feels like a hundred stories with volunteers as they put these meals together, but never volunteered myself until the other day.  A city is trying to package a million meals in a week to send to Haiti.  Yea, a million!  A coworker and I spent a few hours scooping chicken powder, veggies, soy, and rice into plastic bags, like the one above.  To keep everyone on track we started chanting - 'chicken, veggie, soy, rice.'  Once they arrive in Haiti, the bags are dumped into boiling water and make something resembling porridge.

You'll notice everyone has to wear hair nets, which is why you won't see a picture of me lol. 

There were about 50 people volunteering while we were there and in two hours we packaged 28,000 meals.  Not bad huh?  They already had 500,000 meals done Thursday night, we'll see if they hit their goal by Sunday night. 

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