Friday, December 4, 2009


Christmas has always been a big deal in our family.  For me, getting a tree has always been my favorite.  I am like a little kid roaming around in the woods looking for the perfect evergreen.  Now the tradition has added meaning since Jason proposed to me last year while we were cutting down a tree. Well, this year I'll get a triple dose of tree chopping lol.  While I was home I went with my parents and my sister to cut down two trees - one for my parents house, the other for my sisters apartment.  (Jason and I still have to go get ours lol.)  The weather was pretty nice when we went.  As usual we found a few trees we liked, but then couldn't find them again in the maze of look alikes.  We finally found two good ones, sawed them down, and loaded them in the truck.  We decorated both trees - they look nice.   This Saturday its our turn.     

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