Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rockin' around the American Legion

Saturday night we had the chance to take in the sights and sounds of the holiday season. We went out and listened to ‘Little Elmer’s Christmas Combo.’ One of our friends is in the band, known for its polka music, holiday tunes, and warm head gear.  The band started in the late 90’s by recording their own version of ‘Elmer’s Tune’ for the father of one of the band members whose name is Elmer. From there the band took off, and now has their own cult following.

 For this performance, they were playing at an American Legion so I was expecting an older crowd, but let me tell you this crowd can move! There was a swarm of older people dancing up a storm. Apparently, polka music, teased hair, and blue eye shadow is alive and well in MN.

There was a small group of us there to cheer on our buddy Chris Sehnert, the guitar player and singer. We had a great time.

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