Monday, December 14, 2009

Baking bonanza

Christmas time always meant baking in our house. My Gramma used make homemade peanut brittle, and eventually passed the recipe and the tradition to my mom. We’ve made dozens and dozens of batches over the years. If you’ve ever made peanut brittle, you know it’s quite a process. You have to stir constantly, use a candy thermometer, and then quickly spread this gooey mess on pans. My mom has all of this down to a science. My sister and I had certain jobs to do when she was baking this – it really does take more than one person to do it. Every time, without fail, one of us drops a blob of it on the floor. It’s not easy to get up, it typically leaves a sticky spot. My dad always joked, “I know it’s Christmas time when my socks stick to the floor.”
Since I’ve been on my own I’ve never attempted to make peanut brittle myself. I just feel like it’s something that the three of us should do together. Instead, I’m working on my own little set of Christmas goodies. I baked up a storm Sunday. I made fudge, chocolate covered chex mix, sugar cookies, and peanut butter cookies. Of course, I burned a batch of peanut butter cookies (Jason’s favorite) They were hockey pucks lol. But everything else turned out well, so watch your mailbox for some holiday treats from MN!

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