Saturday, December 19, 2009

They've changed a classic

Generally, I'm all about moving with the times but this may be a bit much.  Have you seen what they have done to Monopoloy?  What once served as a good family game that taught children how to count money now involves credit cards!! Yea, there is no play money anymore.  Every player has a credit card that is swiped through a machine when you want to buy something.  You can even mortgage property.  Sounds about right huh? Let's teach kids you can just swipe your credit card for anything.

The board looks the same, but all the properties have different names.  Park Place is now Times Square, Kentucky Avenue is now Disney World.  They even changed the pawns.  The hat, shoe, and thimble are gone.  Now there is a dog in a purse and a segway (a motorized bike)

While it does disturb me a little, I have to admit Jason and I had a good time playing it lol.  We both did some Christmas shopping Saturday, and Jason came home with it as an early present.  We played for hours - that part hasn't changed.  (Yes, it's another testament to our crazy night life lol)

Do you think they'll start messing with Candy Land and Battleship next?

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