Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let's be honest...

I hate flying.  I went home for Thanksgiving to see my family and to do some wedding planning.  I was supposed to land around 1:30pm on Thanksgiving.  My mom was hosting the family get together this year and planned on eating around 6:00pm, giving me plenty of time to get home - one would think.  Well my first flight was canceled. My connecting flight was delayed three times.  I missed Thanksgiving dinner.  I got in at 7:30 only to find my luggage was lost.  Yea.  I hate flying. 

Aside from the rerouting, delays, and eating a Thanksgiving chesseburger at Chili's bar, I had to deal with an anal flight attendant.  This woman woke me up because an inch of my purse wasn't shoved under the seat in front of me.  And then she checked on me twice to make sure I was buckled up. Now, let's be honest -buckling up on a plane is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  When was the last time you heard of anyone surviving a plane crash because they were buckled up??  NEVER.  And using your seat as a floatation device is even more comical.  No one has ever been found floating in the Atlantic after a plane crash because they hugged their seat cushion. 

Let's just say I'm glad to be home.

(The whole trip wasn't bad though...more upbeat posts to come)

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