Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall favorite

There are always things you miss from home.  During this time of year I really miss the old school cidermill near our house.  It's been a staple in our area for decades.  When you’re in second grade, my school organizes a field trip here so kids can see how the apples are pressed into cider. After the tour you get a little sample, and from that point on you're hooked. I remember going every fall with my parents and filling glass jugs full of cider.  There was a tap right in their store where you would fill your own jug. These days, you have to buy a prefilled plastic bottle of cider, but it still tastes just as good. Aside from cider, they’ve expanded over the past few years and added crafts and baked goods. They recently started selling cider donuts! They’re a big hit.

Right behind the cidermill is a small waterfall, at least, it’s usually small. This year a big rain storm has turned the waterfall into this…

My mom sent me this picture the other day. We’ve never seen it like this! Typically it’s a little stream falling from the rocks.

It all makes me want a big glass of cider!

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