Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to school

It's official.  I'm going back to school.  For awhile I've talked about getting my master's degree in mass communications with the hope of teaching journalism one day, and now it's really happening.  Last week I was accepted to St. Cloud State University as a graduate student. 

The hope is that a master's degree will give us a few more job options as we consider moving back east in the next few years. 

When I went to the school for an interview, I was a little surprised at how far removed I am from college mentality.  While on a tour of campus, I was reminded of the 'change the world' attitude that seems to ooze from every student.  Somewhere between the students petitioning to save the whales and the journalism students 'exposing' campus politics - I realized I'm older than I think lol.

That said, the graduate level mass communication classes are made up mostly of working professionals who are looking to teach one day, so hopefully I feel more comfortable in class. 

Speaking of classes, they start in January.  Wish me luck!    

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