Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unique setting for a unique wedding

Forget the church, layered cake, and place cards - this wedding bucks the trends.  A coworker of mine got married this weekend in a restaurant and held the reception at a place known for its concerts.  Despite the untraditional setting, it was one of the best weddings we've been to (besides our own of course).  The reception was at the Varsity, an old theater that's now a bar with live music. The Channel 12 crew claimed a corner of couches and lounge chairs and set up shop for the night.  I have to give the husbands credit...we got them on the dance floor for a bit.

From a ten piece band, to the bride and grooms name on the marquee sign out front it was a unique setting for a unique wedding. 
We snagged the bride for a second to snap a picutre of the 'Women of 12 News'

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