Friday, July 2, 2010

Outdoor concert

The other night a few of us went to see an outdoor concert.  It was actually the same outdoor concert that we did a live newscast for.  The event is called Music in Plymouth, it brings in four local bands and the MN orchestra to play at the city's outdoor amphitheater.  After our newscast some of us decided to stick around and check it out.  The event has been around for 38 years and it has certainly grown.  What started as a small get-together has turned into 'the event' with more than 15,000 people coming out each year.
We stuffed ourselves full of greasy food and listened to the bands, but I have to say it is a little too popular for me.  There are people EVERYWHERE.  You can tell I took this picture of the food stands early on!  A busy place, but all in all, a good night.

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