Friday, July 2, 2010

Grow veggies grow

I'm happy to report the garden survived our two and half week absence.  Jason had set up an elaborate watering system to make sure the garden didn't dry out while we were gone...well, it turns out it rained 16 out of the 19 days we were gone.  It was the most rain we've ever had in June, which figures.  Some of the plants were a little waterlogged but everything survived and is growing like crazy.

We've picked peas and strawberries so far. It's our first year with strawberries and apparently the bunnies felt entitled to help themselves.  We had to put up some rabbit fence to keep them out.  On top of the berries we got out of our garden, I went to a local farm and picked a few more.  Well, a lot more.  I wound up making a ton of jam.

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