Monday, July 19, 2010

Mother nature's after party

We were lucky Saturday afternoon, the storms seemed to go around us while we were all hanging out at the park.  That wasn't the case for the ride home.  As we were driving back to Dayton we turn on the radio and hear another round of storms is moving in.  All of the sudden the rain came pouring down while we were on the highway.  The sky turns a weird shade of yellow.  Jason could barely see so we got off the highway and planned to wait it out in the car...until the car started shaking!  So we booked into a nearby liquor store...only to hear there was a possible tornado in Dayton! So now we have no idea what condition our house is in...

Don't get too worried, I took these pictures after the rain had calmed down and we were back in the car.

I got some pretty crazy pictures from the passenger side window.  The sky was constantly changing color because it was all happening around sunset.  We even saw a double red rainbow.

So we finally get to our road and see this...part of a tree snapped and was in the road.  This is our neighbors tree, so we're thinking the worst.  We get to the house and to our surprise - no damage.  A mess of branches and leaves in our yard, our sweet corn was knocked down, but other than that - nothing.  We lucked out.  Later we found out winds were whipping through Dayton at 65mph, but there was no confirmed tornado. 

Then it all cleared up, just like that.

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