Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two years in Dayton MN

Two years ago today Jason and I moved into our three level split in Dayton.  We don't know where the time has gone.  We've made some good changes.  We've updated the kitchen, which is still a work in progress, and torn apart the basement, which is also a work in progress lol.  We've done quite a bit of landscaping outside as well.  This was our first day here...if memory serves me it snowed later that day. 

The first night here we didn't have many groceries in the house.  I whipped up some hot dogs for our first meal, but we didn't have any ketchup so Jason had to ran to the gas station and brought back ketchup packets because the gas station was out of ketchup lol.  Yup, this was our first meal lol.   
At least we have groceries now lol. 

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