Friday, April 16, 2010

Busy little bees: Inside

Indoors we have another project - wedding invitations.  I really wanted to make our invitations so with a little help from a paper supply store, the production line began.  Jason did the design work, since he's a pro at that and I did the writing.  The invitations open like a book and has a pocket inside that holds three pieces of paper with all the 'need to know info.'  We started these in February when my mom came to visit and quickly realized they were going to be much more time consuming than we first thought.  But we had an early start so we just worked on one piece at a time...for awhile.  Then we lost momentum lol and since they have to go out in about a week we had to work overtime to get them down this week.  We've been up until midnight just about every night printing and cutting but I'm happy to report all 125 invitiations are done!!  Right now they are all over our kitchen table lol.  We have to get them into enevelopes yet, but other than that we're good to go!  Keep an eye out, you'll be getting one in the mail soon!

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