Friday, April 16, 2010

Busy little bees: Outside

I know, I've been neglecting our blog.  Time seems to be flying by.  I think its a combination of last minute wedding tasks and outdoor work.  Last weekend Jason and I rented a tiller and got to work on the garden. That weekend was a long one.  We tilled the garden, and got a few things planted.  I put in some peas and onions. 
Meanwhile, Jason planted new grass seed in a few rough spots, I raked a ton of leaves out of flower bed that is in desperate need of a remodel, and then we did some landscaping. 
We went to Menards (it's like a Home Depot) and bought 100 bricks, loaded them ourselves, and headed home to tackle this beast.  We laid down black fabric to keep the weeds out and put brick around three big pine trees in our front yard.  The picture really doesn't do it justice, it's about 40 ft long lol.  Once we got the brick down we spread 17 bags of red mulch!  Jason has wanted to do this project since we moved in.  He hates mowing under these trees.  It turned out really nice...but we're still a little sore lol.

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