Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What a process....

While my mom was visiting we started churning wedding invitations.  I've played around with a few ideas and finally picked a design the folks at the Paper Depot helped me create.  The kicker is - they're a lot of work to make yourself lol.  You pick your design and then have to use these die cutting machines to actually cut out the invitation.  So mom and I cranked them out and brought them home to do the rest.

It's quite a time consuming process.  We had to fold them all, glue the pocket, and every piece of paper has to be to size and then taped into place.  It's a good thing I like doing this kind of thing lol. 

Well, then mom thought it would be cool to use the same paper to make the programs, so back the Paper Depot we went. So day two we spent another hour there lol.

Then of course we had to bring them home and start printing things out.  That's where Jason comes in.  We put his photoshop skills to work!  He designed a two sided RSVP card. 

We still have some printing to go, hopefully, we'll have one to show you soon!

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