Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's be honest...

I'm sorry for the ridiculous amount of wedding posts here, but with only four months to go it is certainly the topic of conversation in our house.   Right now, we're trying to pick a wedding cake.  I really thought this would be easy, it's a cake for crying out loud.  I started checking out pictures online only to find people are going nuts with wedding cakes these days!  Check these out.  The first one is the 'James Bond' wedding cake...the other is the 'Super Mario Brothers' wedding cake. Yea...
Of course, when I saw these I was shocked - who does this?  I really didn't think anything could top these...until I found this.   A bride in TX had a cake made into a lifesize model of herself!! How creepy is this?! Let's be honest, it's one of the weirdest things I've seen!!

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