Friday, February 19, 2010

An Olympic favorite

NBC expects 200 million people to watch at least a little bit of the Olympics.  I don't know how many people were watching last night, but I have to say the Men's figure skating competition was cool to watch.  I know a lot of men don't consider it a 'manly' sport, and the fact that some of them wear feathered customs doesn't help lol...but I think anyone who can jump in the air and land on a blade a half an inch thick is impressive.

When I was younger I remember my mom, me, and my sister staying up late to watch the figure skating competitons too.  They always put the best skaters on at the end, and last night was no different.  The top three contenders skated around 10:30pm, but we stayed up and watched Evan Lysacek win the gold! 

I've actually seen him skate before.  In 2008 the U.S. Men's Championships were held in St. Paul, MN and we went to watch.  (I really had to twist Jason's arm to get him to go to this one lol) It turns out, Lysacek won that competition too.  I snapped a picture of him and the announcer at that competition.
Another figure skating great is in the picture.  Scott Hamilton won the gold medal in the 80's and now does color commentating for most competitions.

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