Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cabin fever

Ok, I'm done with winter.  I'm ready for green grass, sunshine, and warm temperatures.
I have noticed that our sunlight is sticking around a little longer.  It's not pitch black when I get home, so that's good.  I've got cabin fever so bad that I tried to go for a run yesterday.  Yea, who am I kidding - the trails are still a mess, covered in water and ice. It was not a good idea. If only I could wish winter away... 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There are no words

Who puts this on and says, "Yes! This looks great."  This is the Russian ice dancing team that did an Austrailian aboriginal themed dance at the Olympics.  They were critisized by Aboriginal leaders who said their costume and their routine was offensive.  Somehow, they took home the broze medal.  Good thing scoring is based on skating ability not costume choices huh?

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is going on?

I've gotta be honest.  Curling is one Olympic sport I just don't get. Someone pushes this flattened rock down an isle of ice and then others go crazy with their little brooms.  And everyone is yelling all the time.  What are they yelling at?  Last I checked shouting won't propel the rock any faster lol.  And there seems to be some sort of stategy to it all.  It's all foreign to me.  I even tried looking it up to learn more about it, yea, it didn't help.

It's a terrible sport to photograph too.  Pictures of Shaun White flipping in the air on his snowboard or Lindsey Vonn skiing down a hill look cool, but let's be honest, if you were this girl would you be happy about this picture lol? I wouldn't be. 

(I know, I like figure skating but not curling...I'm a complicated girl lol)

Oh baby!

Friends of ours, Dave and Shannon, are just a few weeks away from welcoming a new addition to their family.  We couldn't be happier for them!  To celebrate, we had one heck of a baby shower.  Rather than getting all the girls together and oooing and ahhing over baby clothes, we had a couples shower at an adult arcade and restaurant.  We had a good turn out, about 50 people came!  

There seemed to be a theme with the gifts.  They got a lot of warm weather clothes, to keep the baby warm in these frigid MN winters.  Aside from that, there were a lot of ducks lol.  Ducks are apparently the new neutral pattern, since they don't know if they're having a boy or a girl.  It was a really fun night!

Now, the countdown is on!  Shannon is due in mid March.

An Olympic favorite

NBC expects 200 million people to watch at least a little bit of the Olympics.  I don't know how many people were watching last night, but I have to say the Men's figure skating competition was cool to watch.  I know a lot of men don't consider it a 'manly' sport, and the fact that some of them wear feathered customs doesn't help lol...but I think anyone who can jump in the air and land on a blade a half an inch thick is impressive.

When I was younger I remember my mom, me, and my sister staying up late to watch the figure skating competitons too.  They always put the best skaters on at the end, and last night was no different.  The top three contenders skated around 10:30pm, but we stayed up and watched Evan Lysacek win the gold! 

I've actually seen him skate before.  In 2008 the U.S. Men's Championships were held in St. Paul, MN and we went to watch.  (I really had to twist Jason's arm to get him to go to this one lol) It turns out, Lysacek won that competition too.  I snapped a picture of him and the announcer at that competition.
Another figure skating great is in the picture.  Scott Hamilton won the gold medal in the 80's and now does color commentating for most competitions.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

B-14, I-29...BINGO!

While my mom was here we wanted to do something a little different, and wound up playing bingo at a casino.  When I was a kid I remember going to bingo with my mom and grandma.  We used bingo chips and a magnetic wand, oh my, how things have changed.  Like everything else, bingo has been computerized.  Yup, now most people play bingo using these electronic boards.  You don't even have to do anything.  You just sit there and watch it do the work for you.  It dings when you're one number away from a bingo, and then flashes bingo if you win.  You can have upwards of 10 cards on these machines! 

Mom and I opted for the old fashion route, and bought paper bingo cards.  We thought we would get too bored with the electronic ones, well we quickly realized why so many people like the electronic boards.  The games they play are crazy.  What the heck is a crazy kite? A broken frame? With a computer you don't have to know, it does it for you lol.

The bingo package we bought had us playing bingo for hours!! This place was packed.  I had no idea bingo was still popular.  There must have 300 people there!  Jason spent most of the time out in the casino, but eventually he got bored and joined us lol. 

On the upside, I won!  Jason won a little on the slot machines, and mom....well...she didn't do so hot, but we had a good day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What a process....

While my mom was visiting we started churning wedding invitations.  I've played around with a few ideas and finally picked a design the folks at the Paper Depot helped me create.  The kicker is - they're a lot of work to make yourself lol.  You pick your design and then have to use these die cutting machines to actually cut out the invitation.  So mom and I cranked them out and brought them home to do the rest.

It's quite a time consuming process.  We had to fold them all, glue the pocket, and every piece of paper has to be to size and then taped into place.  It's a good thing I like doing this kind of thing lol. 

Well, then mom thought it would be cool to use the same paper to make the programs, so back the Paper Depot we went. So day two we spent another hour there lol.

Then of course we had to bring them home and start printing things out.  That's where Jason comes in.  We put his photoshop skills to work!  He designed a two sided RSVP card. 

We still have some printing to go, hopefully, we'll have one to show you soon!

Monday, February 15, 2010

NY Visitor!

I know it has been awhile since I've updated the blog, but my Mom is visiting and we've been a little busy!  We've been working on wedding invitations (which is a process) and today we're headed to the casino to play a little bingo, yup, bingo.  More fun posts to come!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's be honest...

I'm sorry for the ridiculous amount of wedding posts here, but with only four months to go it is certainly the topic of conversation in our house.   Right now, we're trying to pick a wedding cake.  I really thought this would be easy, it's a cake for crying out loud.  I started checking out pictures online only to find people are going nuts with wedding cakes these days!  Check these out.  The first one is the 'James Bond' wedding cake...the other is the 'Super Mario Brothers' wedding cake. Yea...
Of course, when I saw these I was shocked - who does this?  I really didn't think anything could top these...until I found this.   A bride in TX had a cake made into a lifesize model of herself!! How creepy is this?! Let's be honest, it's one of the weirdest things I've seen!!