Wednesday, January 27, 2010

'There's an ap for that'

It' official, Jason and I have joined the Iphone world, but we have vowed not to become those people you see in restaurants that are playing with their phone and ignoring the person sitting next you lol. 

I'm sure you've heard the catch phrase, 'There's an ap for that.'  It basically refers to all sorts of cool downloads you can get for your phone.  You can get an ap to play checkers, there are aps to get updated sports scores on your phone, and apparently there is an ap to save your life.  Yea, did you hear about this?  There was a man from Colorado Springs trapped in a hotel in Haiti after the earthquake hit.  Dan Woolley had injuries to his legs and head.  He used his Iphone to download a first aid ap to show him how to treat broken bones and a possible concussion. He learned how to tie off a gash in his leg with his shirt, then he set the alarm on his Iphone to keep him from going unconscious and slipping into shock.  Woolley was rescued after being trapped for 68 hours, and is now recovering in a hospital in Florida.  Apparently there is an ap for everything lol.      

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