Thursday, January 7, 2010

The arctic tundra

If it was 25 to 30 degrees all winter, I could handle it.  I can even handle the snow - but this is ridiculous.  We've gotten so much snow it split one of our trees outside - check it out!  The kicker here is that tree is right off our brick patio so taking this thing out will be a chore.  The roots have to go under the patio.  That will be a fun spring project lol.
On top of that, the snow has turned to ice.  The roads, especially the side
streets, are full of ice ruts.  It's like driving a pick up down a dirt road! 

We got a little more snow today, if we get much more we'll have to dig out the mailbox lol.  What's even funnier is that salt won't melt any of this stuff right now because it is too cold!  Our temperatures have been below zero, worse when you factor in the wind chill.  It is supposed to be 19 this weekend, so that will be nice lol.  How far away is spring again?

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