Sunday, January 24, 2010

Superbowl bound?

I know every team says they have the best fans, but seriously I've never seen fans quite like this.  With a big game tonight, Vikings fans are coming out of the woodwork!  Apparently the more paint on your face the more likely they are to win - or so these people think lol.
Wherever you go, people are talking about the Vikings.  I was getting gas the other day and the clerk at the counter asked me if we'll be watching the big game.  Then she started talking about how hot Brett Favre was...yea I paid and ran out of there lol.   I know he's the Vikings savior and all, but have you heard the guy talk?  He's slow and incoherent lol - but I suppose he's paid to throw a ball not talk to the press.  We'll see how he does tonight.....

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