Sunday, January 31, 2010

A lazy Sunday

Both Jason and Gracie burrowed into the couch Sunday afternoon for a nap.  Jason had the electric blanket out, and Gracie loves napping on that thing.  I had to snap a picture, they looked pretty cute lol.  I don't think they'll be moving for a while....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

They've got style

A girl can't ask for better bridesmaids.  Not only are they all great friends, but they have good taste as well.  I picked the colors and had the girls pick the dress they wanted to wear for the wedding.  My sister is the maid of honor, she'll be in the dark purple and the bridesmaids will be in the lighter purple.  Obviously these aren't pictures of the wedding party - just pictures from the David's Bridal website so can see the dresses.  Good choices girls!!

'There's an ap for that'

It' official, Jason and I have joined the Iphone world, but we have vowed not to become those people you see in restaurants that are playing with their phone and ignoring the person sitting next you lol. 

I'm sure you've heard the catch phrase, 'There's an ap for that.'  It basically refers to all sorts of cool downloads you can get for your phone.  You can get an ap to play checkers, there are aps to get updated sports scores on your phone, and apparently there is an ap to save your life.  Yea, did you hear about this?  There was a man from Colorado Springs trapped in a hotel in Haiti after the earthquake hit.  Dan Woolley had injuries to his legs and head.  He used his Iphone to download a first aid ap to show him how to treat broken bones and a possible concussion. He learned how to tie off a gash in his leg with his shirt, then he set the alarm on his Iphone to keep him from going unconscious and slipping into shock.  Woolley was rescued after being trapped for 68 hours, and is now recovering in a hospital in Florida.  Apparently there is an ap for everything lol.      

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Superbowl bound?

I know every team says they have the best fans, but seriously I've never seen fans quite like this.  With a big game tonight, Vikings fans are coming out of the woodwork!  Apparently the more paint on your face the more likely they are to win - or so these people think lol.
Wherever you go, people are talking about the Vikings.  I was getting gas the other day and the clerk at the counter asked me if we'll be watching the big game.  Then she started talking about how hot Brett Favre was...yea I paid and ran out of there lol.   I know he's the Vikings savior and all, but have you heard the guy talk?  He's slow and incoherent lol - but I suppose he's paid to throw a ball not talk to the press.  We'll see how he does tonight.....

Oh the choices...

I had no idea there were so many wedding invitations to choose from.  I mean, we need the basics here - where and when.  I decided I wanted to make the invitations, so I checked out craft stores and found kits you can buy to make invitations but they were really expensive.  So I thought I would look into making them from scratch and I put together a few that I liked, but I still wasn't completely happy with them.  Then a friend of mine suggested a place called 'The Paper Depot,' this place is a mom and pop paper store with invitation designers on staff to help you create whatever you would like!  It was awesome! I know this sounds like an advertisement, but they really helped!
This is the invite we're leaning towards.  It might change a little, but we defiantly want a pocket invitation, that holds the RSVP card and the directions to and from the church.
The Paper Depot has a cutter that churns these puppies out for you, it's cool.  Mind you, we'll have to do the printing and the folding and all that good stuff but that's ok.  It will be labor intensive, but we like them, and they're cheaper than we expected!

One sharp look

The wedding decisions continue.  This weekend Jason picked out the tuxedos for everyone.  He did some homework online first so he could walk in and point to the one he wanted fast lol.  Lucky for him he was helped by an older Russian lady who was very nice, but didn't speak English very well lol.  
I have to say he has good taste. This is what he picked for the groomsman - Calvin Klein pin stripped suits with an ivory shirt, dark purple vest and tie. (The pants are pinned stripped too, although it doesn't show in the picture for some reason.)  Jason will be wearing an ivory vest and tie and my dad will be in silver.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A winter favorite

About a half an hour from our house is a small park, in a residential area.  It's where a large flock of trumpeter swans live along the Mississippi River.  If you've never seen a trumpeter swan, they're quite a bird.  They're about 25 pounds with black beaks and a call like a trumpet.  A woman who lives along the river started feeding a few trumpeter swans in the winter, and pretty soon she had a flock of up to 1500 swans coming to eat at her place!  She's called, 'The Swan Lady.'  Everyday she goes out her back door and fills buckets with corn for them.  And everyday handfuls of people come to this little park to check out the flock of swans that winter in her backyard.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I guarantee this reporter was told to do a story on the cold weather.  So, he goes out and tries to do something a little different - tries to be a little creative.  Look what happens.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mark your calendars!

Sometime after the Christmas tree was taken down and the new year, we realized we only have five months until the big day lol.  We had intended on sending out 'save the dates' a few weeks ago, but as usual we're a little behind schedule.   The project is taking a little longer than anticipated.  While Jason and I were home we had my mom snap a few shots of us in Sackets Harbor (where the reception will be) We incorporated the picture as our save the dates.  Jason designed them in Photoshop and now I'm adding a little crafty touch.  Trust me, I'm making quite a mess on the coffee table.  Anyway, watch your mailbox they'll be on the way soon!

Frosty's BIG brother

There is only one reason my hometown makes national news - the snow.  I just did a little checking online and on average Upstate NY gets at least 11 ft of snow every year. With that kind of snow, you can make one heck of a snowman!  Check this out. A farmer built this 25 foot snowman in his yard.  You can see it towers over his barn and telephone poles! It's got tires for buttons, and a construction cone for a nose.  It's apparently made CNN several times in the last few days. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The arctic tundra

If it was 25 to 30 degrees all winter, I could handle it.  I can even handle the snow - but this is ridiculous.  We've gotten so much snow it split one of our trees outside - check it out!  The kicker here is that tree is right off our brick patio so taking this thing out will be a chore.  The roots have to go under the patio.  That will be a fun spring project lol.
On top of that, the snow has turned to ice.  The roads, especially the side
streets, are full of ice ruts.  It's like driving a pick up down a dirt road! 

We got a little more snow today, if we get much more we'll have to dig out the mailbox lol.  What's even funnier is that salt won't melt any of this stuff right now because it is too cold!  Our temperatures have been below zero, worse when you factor in the wind chill.  It is supposed to be 19 this weekend, so that will be nice lol.  How far away is spring again?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!

For New Year's we hit the bowling alley with some friends.  We anticipated a huge crowd, but we were wrong.  Fortunately for us it was really quiet.  We were one of about a dozen people there.  No elbowing people to get to the bar, no waiting for drinks - it was great! Happy New Year!!

Rockin out

He's got talent. It's true, Jason is ridiculously good at Guitar Hero.  It's a video game where you have to play a fake guitar along with the video.  He even has rocker poses down.  Check it out....