Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A rough day at work

It's been a rough week, and it's only Tuesday lol!  I woke up this morning and was convinced it was Thursday, so when that reality set in I was not happy.  Then I get to work to find out I have to do a story about a day care provider who uses safety pins to pin children to the bed to discipline them.  What is wrong with people?
It got us talking about some of the crazy people we meet, and some of the crazy situations we're put in.  The one that came to my mind was the day we had a little mishap with the live truck.  A few months ago, I had to do a story about a new highway the state was building. They've talked about this stupid highway for 30 years - no joke - and they were finally going to put it in.  We're supposed to go live with the story at 4.  We got out there and tried to find a spot out of the way of traffic to set up.  So we drive through a field....and get stuck.  I'm talking mud covering most of the tires stuck - and we have 20 minutes before we have to go live.

So now we have to get someone with the highway department to hook up cables to get us out, and at this point we know there is no way we're going to go live - we don't even know if we can get the truck out!!  So the photographer and I look at each other and say, 'who is going to call the boss about this one?'  I got to make that call....it was by no means pleasant...but we didn't get chewed out either.  We didn't go live, but eventually we did get the truck out and I had to direct traffic so we could bring the truck back onto the main road.  That was a rough day...it makes this week seem a little better.

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