Sunday, November 8, 2009

60 degrees in November?

We had a cold and wet October, and now we're welcoming in November with 60's degrees.  It doesn't make any sense, but I suppose I should just be happy about the gorgeous weekend.  We got some yard work done.  Jason broke out the leaf blower and went to town.  Yea, Minnesotans not only rake and bag their leaves they recycle them too.  We load them up and take them to a yard waste recycling spot a few miles from the house. But it wasn't all work - we took Gracie Lou out for a walk.  She can't walk very far without her tongue dangling from her mouth, but she always leads the way lol.  

This is the dam.  It was built in 1914 to generate electricity, but in the 60's it became too expensive to operate so it was shut down for years.  Then in the late 90's they opened it up as a park.  There is a walkway on top of the dam and a park all around it.  (I know - the water looks pretty gross lol)

Surprisingly enough it's a pretty popular fishing spot.  We saw about a dozen people there today with a line in.  They all seem to be regulars.  They all seemed to know each other, and yet they all had their own fishing territory.

Gracie was pretty tired out by the time we made it back to the car.  She's been laying on the couch ever since lol.

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