Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Date night

Yes, we lead a wild life.  Our idea of a great night consists of playing nintendo wii in our cozies (my word for pj's)  lol.  Anyone who has played the wii knows you look like a complete idiot playing it.  We have a hunting game where Jason actually sets up a sort-of gun mount, by propping the controller up on a pillow on the coffee table - this way he says he can get a 'steady shot.'  In a racing game, I have to sit perfectly upright on the couch with both of my feet on the ground to race my best.  Oh yea, it's quite the competitive sport around here.  There is no messing around lol.  Check out our characters on the game...look familiar? 

I told you ... we look a little silly flailing about in the living room playing wii.  Yup, a wild life.  But hey, we're happy.

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