Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bizarre bulldog

Ahh Graice Lou.  Typically she does something to entertain us on a daily basis, and this is one of them.  She has an odd way of sitting on the stairs.  She actually puts her front paws on one set of stairs and her back legs on another.  It doesn't make any sense to us lol.  These stairs face the front door, so I think she does it to get a good look outside but it certainly doesn't look comfortable.  But she's not playing watch dog all the time, she finds plenty of time to lounge about too lol.

Christmas chaos

The Christmas chaos begins!  Jason and I went out to do a little Christmas shopping yesterday and found long lines everywhere.  We went to the Outlet mall a few miles from our place and got stuck in a snarly mess of traffic.
It's an outside outlet mall and it was a pretty nice day so I'm sure that added to the crowds. After making our way to the stores, we really didn't get much done lol.  We bought a few things for ourselves and came up with some ideas for others but that's about it.  Next time we need to go with a list!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cheap entertainment

We're addicted.  Jason and I are hooked on the card game Skip-bo.  When we went camping over the fourth of July, we bought a card game to play while we were hanging out near the fire. (I had played it with my sister a few times and thought we would try it out)  We'll we're hooked.  We were so into the game we were willing to play even as we were getting attacked by mosquitoes!  Our campsite was right on Rice Lake, near Owatonna.  That was months ago - and we have been playing the card game ever since!  It's a pretty basic game, but for some reason it entertains us.  We highly recommend it. 

 (Rice Lake)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One rough story

Don't get me wrong, there are some days the stories I cover seem a little dry. Like any reporter, I try my best to jazz up a story but one reporter in Ohio went a little too far lol.  You gotta check it out.  Who does this???

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Date night

Yes, we lead a wild life.  Our idea of a great night consists of playing nintendo wii in our cozies (my word for pj's)  lol.  Anyone who has played the wii knows you look like a complete idiot playing it.  We have a hunting game where Jason actually sets up a sort-of gun mount, by propping the controller up on a pillow on the coffee table - this way he says he can get a 'steady shot.'  In a racing game, I have to sit perfectly upright on the couch with both of my feet on the ground to race my best.  Oh yea, it's quite the competitive sport around here.  There is no messing around lol.  Check out our characters on the game...look familiar? 

I told you ... we look a little silly flailing about in the living room playing wii.  Yup, a wild life.  But hey, we're happy.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A fresh idea

If there is one question Jason and I are always asked its, "So when is the big day?"  Even people in the wedding party ask us, "When are you getting married again?"  I've never been good with dates either, so I get it.  Because of this Jason and I are thinking about sending out 'Save the Dates' - you know a little magnet or postcard or something to remind people when and where we'll tie the knot.  So I went searching for a new idea...something other than a magnet or a postcard with our picture on it and I came across this.  You gotta watch it.  It's the best 'save the date' I've ever seen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A rough day at work

It's been a rough week, and it's only Tuesday lol!  I woke up this morning and was convinced it was Thursday, so when that reality set in I was not happy.  Then I get to work to find out I have to do a story about a day care provider who uses safety pins to pin children to the bed to discipline them.  What is wrong with people?
It got us talking about some of the crazy people we meet, and some of the crazy situations we're put in.  The one that came to my mind was the day we had a little mishap with the live truck.  A few months ago, I had to do a story about a new highway the state was building. They've talked about this stupid highway for 30 years - no joke - and they were finally going to put it in.  We're supposed to go live with the story at 4.  We got out there and tried to find a spot out of the way of traffic to set up.  So we drive through a field....and get stuck.  I'm talking mud covering most of the tires stuck - and we have 20 minutes before we have to go live.

So now we have to get someone with the highway department to hook up cables to get us out, and at this point we know there is no way we're going to go live - we don't even know if we can get the truck out!!  So the photographer and I look at each other and say, 'who is going to call the boss about this one?'  I got to make that was by no means pleasant...but we didn't get chewed out either.  We didn't go live, but eventually we did get the truck out and I had to direct traffic so we could bring the truck back onto the main road.  That was a rough makes this week seem a little better.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wanted: Tropical Paradise

We're still working out a few details for the wedding.  We need to find a photographer and a dj.  And I'm still working on the bridesmaid dresses.  I am going home over Thanksgiving to (hopefully) hammer out these details.  (Girls, stay tuned - I'm hoping to narrow down some dresses and send you some pictures of the top choices.)  But also topping the 'to do' list is the honeymoon!  Every time we think about the honeymoon Jason breaks into 'Kokomo' - you know the song from the Beach Boys lol.  Right now we're leaning towards Hawaii.  We've talked to quite a few people who have been there and suggest we spend the first few nights in Honolulu and then head to Kauai for the rest of the week.  We plan on talking to a travel agent after the holidays, but I don't think we could go wrong with this choice...I mean just look at the pictures....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

60 degrees in November?

We had a cold and wet October, and now we're welcoming in November with 60's degrees.  It doesn't make any sense, but I suppose I should just be happy about the gorgeous weekend.  We got some yard work done.  Jason broke out the leaf blower and went to town.  Yea, Minnesotans not only rake and bag their leaves they recycle them too.  We load them up and take them to a yard waste recycling spot a few miles from the house. But it wasn't all work - we took Gracie Lou out for a walk.  She can't walk very far without her tongue dangling from her mouth, but she always leads the way lol.  

This is the dam.  It was built in 1914 to generate electricity, but in the 60's it became too expensive to operate so it was shut down for years.  Then in the late 90's they opened it up as a park.  There is a walkway on top of the dam and a park all around it.  (I know - the water looks pretty gross lol)

Surprisingly enough it's a pretty popular fishing spot.  We saw about a dozen people there today with a line in.  They all seem to be regulars.  They all seemed to know each other, and yet they all had their own fishing territory.

Gracie was pretty tired out by the time we made it back to the car.  She's been laying on the couch ever since lol.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

She's a smart one

In Minnesota there is a bit of a love-hate relationship with our neighboring state Wisconsin.  Minnesotans tend to look down a bit on those 'crazy drinkers' and Wisconsin residents just think Minnesotans are a little too uptight.  Well, when someone like Mary Strey (from Wisconsin) comes along it only feeds the fire.

"I am them." It's my new favorite quote.  Who does this? Talk about stupid criminals!!