Monday, November 29, 2010

Turkey day

It wasn't my first time as Thanksgiving host, but this year was by far my best attempt.  A few years back I attempted to host Thanksgiving for a group of 'newsies' that all had to work on Thanksgiving.  I took the day off to cook and everyone showed up after the newscast.  I thought I was on top of my game, but when I cut into the turkey - it was still pink.  That was my first lesson: make sure the turkey is completely thawed before cooking lol.  Since then, I've gotten much better. 

This year I brined the turkey overnight.  It turned out great, really moist and it looked like a picture in a magazine lol.  On top of a great turkey, I made all the side dishes including pecan pie.  I even consulted cooks books! Plus, we got to eat on our new kitchen table and I bought cloth napkins for the event!!

My one little mistake was the stuffing.  I made it, but I left it in the turkey!  Whoops.  We had so much stuff on the table I forgot about it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud. Cloth napkins and all ;) Thanksgiving can bring out the Martha in us all!
