Sunday, November 21, 2010

Homemade Christmas

I feel like I've been neglecting our blog lately.  It's partly because we've been boring lately lol and because some of my free time is eaten up by the upcoming holidays. 

Rather than roaming the over crowded isles of store after store, we're trying to make this a homemade holiday.  I've converted our office into a craft room.  I've got stuff strung all over in there, seriously it's dangerous room, but my projects are coming along.

Typically, I wait until last minute with these kinds of things, and then I'm rushing around, and pay way too much for shipping to make sure gifts arrive right on time.  This year, I'm trying to curb my rushing lol.  Hopefully this little elf can keep working for a few more weeks and have some nice homemade holiday gifts to show for it.

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