Tuesday, November 9, 2010

History repeats itself

We've all heard the saying, history repeats itself.  It just usually doesn't happen so soon. 

In 2008 the race for a U.S. senate seat was so close in Minnesota, all the ballots had to be recounted by hand.  It was a huge undertaking.  It took eight months for the entire process to play out. 

Now, two years later we're in the same boat.  A week after the polls have closed, we still don't know who our next governor will be.  Yet again, the race is too close to call.  What's the deal in MN? 
One of these two:  Republican Tom Emmer (left) or Democrat Mark Dayton will eventually end up as governor.  More than two million ballots statewide will be recounted.  The recount craze starts all over again in a  few weeks.

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