Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why Me Canyon?

Another highlight was Waimea Canyon, in Kauai.  It's called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.  This stop has a story! 

We drove up some crazy curvy roads to get here and snapped some pictures (including this one of Jason) at a lookout with an amazing view right? Well, I decided we needed an even better view.  According to my trusty map, there was a waterfall just a mile off the road inside the canyon.  I'm thinking its this phenomenal site, so I convince Jason to check it out.  We get out of the car and we're walking down this level dirt path and I think any second the woods will part and a waterfall will jut out from the sky.
Well, we keep walking and no waterfall.  Keep in mind we are in flip flops, and brought a half a bottle of water with us.  We're walking and talking....and see a this sign...Waipoo Falls 1 mile.  At this point Jason is ready to turn around, but he knows I won't turn around until I have some sort of "Ah ha moment." And besides, what's one more mile....?
We keep going...then the trail turns a little in down hill!

 At this point, even I'm ready to throw in the towel.  We're sweaty and hot and sandals don't have the best traction when you're heading down hill.  Then some crazy hiker says, "You're almost there, really it's a spectacular view you should keep going."  So against our better judgment we keep going.  Frankly we're lucky we didn't break an ankle. We were slipping and sliding all over the place and you know what? We never made it to the waterfall!!  'The spectacular view' was this, another lookout point.

It was a beautiful site, but the beauty came second to the thought of having to hike back out of here!
We snapped our picture, took a mintue to take it all in (and rest) and started back.

From here on out, Jason called this 'Why Me Canyon'...a twisted variation of it's true name Waimea (Why-a-mea) Canyon.  This has become the famous picture....the 'Why Me' stance in the middle of the dessert.
Both of us were tempted to rip out that sign that said the falls were 1mi.  Never trust a wooden sign in a forest lol.  It was a rough hike, but we definitley have a story to tell!

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