Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Wedding Day!

It was the perfect day.  I know that sounds like a generic start to a story, but it’s the truth.   
On the morning of the wedding the girls woke up at the crack of dawn to get their hair done.  On the way, the weather was iffy, it was windy and wet but it didn’t matter.  Once we got to the salon the hairspray started flowing.  It was so thick, it looked like a smoke filled bingo hall in the 60’s lol.  Bobby pins flying, cameras flashing, irons curling.  It took about two hours for all of us to get dolled up, and then it was time to break out the fancy dresses.  With the help of gracious bridesmaids and my maid of honor, I was laced into my ivory dress.  
 After adding the accessories, we headed for the limo.
With the girls singing, “Going to the Chapel” we took the 15 minute drive to our old, one room church. Waiting in the limo was the hardest part.  It felt like hours to me.  I was ready to swing open the church doors and head down the aisle, but I waited.   Jason walked his parents in, followed by the wedding party, and then it was my turn.  

 With dad at my side, I made it down the aisle.  (Aside from getting my heel caught in a heating vent on the floor on the way down, it was flawless lol)

I won’t get all sappy on you, I’ll just say the ceremony was perfect.  It was heartfelt and emotional, and we were so happy it felt like we were floating on air.
When we walked out of the church as husband and wife, the dreary start of a day turned into a gorgeous sun filled afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. It really was a perfect day! Pics look great! Miss ya already!
